In today’s social environment talking about politics and getting involved in some kind of protest(we’ll take CAA for a better understanding) can leave you feel depressed and happy depending on which side you’re on. It is a hollow feeling and most of the youth of today’s world or maybe in the past as well has been involved in such activities.
They make us feel relevant, because we think we’re fighting for a bigger cause. We’re wired that way. All of us want to win and want to defeat the other person. These so called political discussions are like a battlefield for our brain. You can’t afford to lose.
All of us need validation and such form of validation comes from thousands and thousands of people (political supporters).
This position gets solidified when we start fighting about our political beliefs with our close friends/relatives/even parents and sometimes/most of the times strangers or so-called friends. I have lost many friends and have destroyed lots of relationships with such talks. The damage is real.
Whenever we disagree or find a person of a opposite opinion we try to change that person’s mind or try to convince him that “our/my” way is the best way. Be it communism, bjp, congress, republicans or the democrats. We are always acting as the torchbearer of our political ideology and at the same time we’re also the P.R officer of that organization and at times people have acted as the member of that group/org. All of this work and mental trauma and the org. never pays you? Why?
You’ve become the biggest/best/most loyal consumer of that org.
Remember that lesson about businesses trying to get customer loyalty? These political org/systems/govt’s are the masters of that lesson. All of this merely because we think politics is a matter which affects our life in the most significant manner and on a daily basis. Constant news notifications, billboards of these organizations, political rallies, student protests, dinner conversations, facebook updates, instagram stories, media debates and etc etc etc keep on working to make us think that our lives depend on politics. It is an imaginary field that has shaken so many countries and destroyed so many lives.
I know how important this subject was during the time of independence of my country or any country for that matter or even at the times of war but and that’s a big ‘but’. All of that was in the past, those were different times. During those times you hardly interacted with more than 50, 20, 100 or max 1000 people on a daily basis on the other hand you can reach any number of people you want on your blog, instagram, facebook or whatever means you use. For a much more reliable number you can take the number of friends you have on your facebook/instagram/snapchat and divide them by 2 plus the number of contacts on your whatsapp and divide them by 10, you’ll get a number of people which you’re sure to reach with your posts complaining about the current status of your nation or some statement made by the leader of some party or the other.
Now to get on the other importance of politics half a century ago we need to imagine those times for once. People were treated as savages by their political superiors back in the day. Their freedoms were curtailed, for real. There was no other way for them to survive. It was fight or die. No matter how much you guys scream about your freedoms being curtailed and your rights being violated, the horrors of those days can’t in ANY manner be compared to today’s time. Apart from a few exceptions the world is improving decade by decade, year by year and as we speak it has further improved and there’s a lot of data to back this up. Crime, poverty, literacy, technology, medicine and you name the measure and we have improved in it. No matter how much the media tells and scares you ‘THE WORLD IS GETTING BETTER’. Always remember it is the job of the media to scare you with those headlines. “FEAR SELLS” .In order to remain employed they have to take such measures.
Now you might say that what if everyone starts thinking this way and stops caring about politics? How will that world look like? That is a big ”IF”, no matter how much I or you try to change the world we have to accept the harsh truth that we can’t, we just can’t. It’s close to impossible that people who listen to you will change their habits, I know they won’t. Habits take years to develop and can’t be changed overnight. They are not made to accept defeat, it is in human nature. Their ego can never let that happen. (There always are exceptions. But remember those are exceptions)
So what do we do now? If all of us stopped caring about politics we could direct that attention and focus towards our careers, relationships with our loved ones, social cause and actual work. If we become successful we can change the world for real. Right now most of the people are ‘TALKING TALKING AND TALKIN’ but once you have some money in your bank a/c or you have a large following you can bring about some real change instead of just posting hateful messages about someone. In fact most of these “political activists” have never contributed to the world in any manner. They have talked/rallied/protested about climate change but have never been able to change their own habits.
So the next time your mother asks you to focus on your career, listen to her instead of being cocky. You owe a great debt to your family so take care of them first instead of trying to change the world with your political ideas. Your life is way too small to waste it on such stupid nonsense. Improve your health, wealth, relationships, and business and never ever hurt anyone. You would have done your bit my friend.
Always remember “CHANGE BEGINS WITH YOU”.
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